4 June 2021

⚓⚓⚓ WORLDWIDE OPEN CALL #NAUTICTECH2021 ⚓⚓⚓ Link to apply for startups:
⚓⚓⚓ WORLDWIDE OPEN CALL #NAUTICTECH2021 ⚓⚓⚓ Link to apply for startups:
1 October 2018
The first edition of Nautic Tech 2018, the international investment forum of the nautical industry organized by Seed&Click and Salón Náutico Internacional de Barcelona unfolds the lucky finalists.
3 September 2018
Fundación Caja de Ingenieros abre de nuevo el plazo de inscripción para la VI Edición de su Premio Emprendimiento. El certamen está dirigido a aquellas start-ups que precisen potenciar su negocio e impulsar su desarrollo durante la fase inicial de creación.
Roadie Tuner by Band Industries haven been crowned as the 5th edition winner of the most famous music startup competition of Barcelona