4 June 2021
⚓⚓⚓ WORLDWIDE OPEN CALL #NAUTICTECH2021 ⚓⚓⚓ Link to apply for startups: https://forms.gle/TU8EMiNkY1SvqdZY6
We believe in the power of innovation to inspire and empower people, organizations and, ultimately, the world.
We connect talented entrepreneurs, sharp investors and big corporations eager to innovate.
We organize high impact events with international visibility in the entrepreneurship/investing ecosystem.
Managers of 4YFN Awards, Hack D Gap Global Challenge, iSport Forum, Primavera Pro Startups, 080 Investor Day, Entrepreneurship prize and Isabel P. Trabal Grant for Caja Ingenieros Foundation, #NauticTech , Barcelona StartupWeek Elevator Pitch Competition, Exclusive National Partner Creative Business Cup and others.
We share our knowledge and expertise in Entrepreneurship, Angel Investing, Innovation, Investment Readiness, Impact & Sustainability, Elevator Pitch in different formats: Masterclass, Conferences, Programs, Courses or Experts Panel.
Some Programs done:
Partnering organizations to develop and launch innovative products, services, technologies and experiences.
⚓⚓⚓ WORLDWIDE OPEN CALL #NAUTICTECH2021 ⚓⚓⚓ Link to apply for startups: https://forms.gle/TU8EMiNkY1SvqdZY6
📣¡ABIERTA LA CONVOCATORIA DE LA 9ª ed. Del PREMIO EMPRENDIMIENTO Fundación Caja de Ingenieros Caixa d'Enginyers #PREMIOFCE2021 YA PUEDES APLICAR : https://forms.gle/dYEm1g3oCLWTtcvt5
6 December 2020
La responsabilidad aflora en los consumidores y en la industria. El cambio de paradigma del sector textil y del calzado es obligado si queremos asegurar su futuro. Sin embargo, nadie dijo que fuera fácil. Las transformaciones en la sostenibilidad agregan otra dimensión de desafío. Todos queremos cadenas de valor impecables pero conseguirlo es un reto. ¿Cómo afrontar el reto de la transformación? ¿Cómo ofrecer productos sostenibles, transparentes y honestos al consumidor final? ¿Está el consumidor final preparado para decidir con responsabilidad? Abrimos el debate.
COVID has revved up the need to get closer to the customer than ever before through new technologies, such as virtual appointments, shopping or streaming events. In this new setting, closeness and creating products based on the commitment to society become more important than digital stalking.
Hernán Camps Tascón, CEO and co-founder of RobinBrick as well as a contributor to several retail forums, will talk about those technologies and new services that are helping the fashion retail sector to improve and capture the seller’s knowledge as a source of valuable data (sales assistant-centric organisations) and ...
E-COMMERCE & INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL PARA EMPRESAS DE MODA, Nic detallará cómo desarrollar una estrategia de venta on-line y utilizar la tecnología de Inteligencia Artificial para hiper-personalizar las comunicaciones con los clientes y escalar ventas focalizando en empresas de moda.
Don't be afraid to reach out.